Poetry Blog
Give It To Him
Absorb yourself in the promises He declares, take refuge, receive your rest.
Give it to Him for He is your God—reliable, faithful and true.
Let go of the thoughts, cast down all fear, arise, He's calling you...
to trust in His Word, submit to His plan and never go astray.
He is God Almighty, He wants you to grow and trust in Him today.
Those things you see and thoughts you face are thorns for your demise.
Give the burdens to Father, pray to Him and you'll receive a renewed pair of eyes.
Your way seems rough, something always comes up and you're wondering when your skies will be clear.
Rest at ease dear child, God is with you, His strength and comfort will appear.
So give it to Him, don't delay, you weren't made to bear such stress.
Give it to Him, you can't handle this on your own, He's preparing you for His best.
Keep your mind focused and think on things that are pure and true.
Get rid of the excess baggage. Give it to Him. Remember He's chosen you
to be a sojourner and follow His will, His plan is greater than you know.
Give Him all the hindrances, move forward and continue to grow.
Detoxify Me from Church
not to become bogged down in all there is to do.
Jesus, I need Your comfort, Your solace, joy and peace.
I need to remember my First Love and tell the religious overdrive to cease.
My mind is made up, I am committed, I will do my best;
to permanently dwell in Your presence and be free from church stress.
I should not live life burdened, busy and obsolete
by being too consumed with working rather than sitting at my Master's feet.
All the extra weight has got to go; I cast my cares upon You.
Your mighty power will show, and with joy I shall pull through.
And best of all, You get to have me--Your child--back again.
No more unnecessary chores to pull me from Your hand.
Here am I Lord, the child that finds pleasure in You.
I won't be dragged astray by having too much to do.
So let’s sit and talk over a looooooooooong cup of tea.
Here's a toast to us, our relationship, and life abundant and free.
Love and Grow
For God Is with Thee
No Vacancy for Sin
The Beautiful Battle
He's Lying
He's lying when he tells you you're not worth very much.
He lied when he said you didn't need to cry out for the Savior's gentle touch.
He'll try to tell you that friends, family, and no one in the church really cares.
Then he'll send you another thought about why people give you crazy looks and stares.
He'll tell you that you're not good enough and that none of those Christians are true.
He'll say, "Don't pick up the Bible or go to church, just do the best that you can do."
As God's gentle voice prompts you several times throughout the day...
"That's not really necessary, do something else" the Deceiver's venom will say.
He'll try to convince you to indulge in your carnal desires
stating that, "life should be enjoyable and you're not headed for eternal fires."
Thoughts of hatefulness, revenge, bitterness, anxiety and dread
he'll send in rotations, to dictate your actions via your head.
He's lying to you. He's a great deceiver and showman you see.
He'll say that God won't provide for you and your lot will be empty.
"Appeal to your flesh, go after your dreams, do something that's real.
Don't waste your time with that dead church. Touch. See. Taste and feel."
He's lying and he's doing a Hell of a job.
Will you adhere to the voice that seeks to destroy, kill and rob?
Shout Instead of Groan
Shout instead of groan, hear what I say:
The victory is ours, the triumph won't be taken away.
Our God is well pleased with those who don't bicker and complain.
He delights in His glorious splendor when we offer praises to His name.
In the same way a father will smile when he hears
his child repeat to others what he's been teaching him for years.
So lift up your head, don't make me have to say it again:
Shout for the victory don't complain about the circumstance you're in.
Did God know about the situation before He formed the sea?
Is He capable of solving the problem efficient and righteously?
Maybe you should put your trust in man who is made of dirt?...
who wouldn't give his wallet let alone his life to prevent your hurt.
So please stop complaining, repent and begin again.
Shout for the victory groaning is being unthankful which is a sin.
I'm Not Day Dreamin' About Anybody Else But You
The rocks know Your name, toward me You're ever sweet.
I cast his thoughts beneath my feet and sing You a new song.
I fight to keep my heart toward You, please help me please You more.
In bondage and full of regrets is not the destination I seek.
is impossible if I permit Your will to be covered by carnality.
I need You to be better than Adam and keep me from harm's way.
Where You can dwell eternally, please keep me so that we'll never part.